Ten years ago we looked around and found out that NY did not have a Brazilian theater company. We decided to change that, and we did.
Now we come together to not only celebrate what we have accomplished but also to honor the artists who made history with us.
Join us for our most cozy a delicious event, a feast on pão de queijo (cheese bread), other Brazilian delicacies, drinks, music art, and live performances.
Live performances by
Andressa Furletti
Debora Balardini
Fabiana Mattedi
Josanna Vaz
Monica Vilela
Shu odamura
Todd Conner
Art exhibition by
Candice Feio and Paulo Govea

Pão de Queijo Brunch is a pleasant and artistic brunch with a Brazilian twist with lots of pão de queijo (cheese bread) and other Brazilian treats, beer, caipirinhas, our signature drink Wild Coffee, art, and performances. All you can eat and drink! Each event has a different theme around Brazilian culture and it's always a lot of fun.
Please note this is a small and intimate event and tickets get sold out. We advise getting your tickets as soon as they are released. Want to be the first to know? Sign up for our mailing list and stay tuned!